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Manorcare Health Services - Pike Creek received an overall rating from CMS of 4 stars compared to the DE average of 3.67 and a National average of 3.32. Ratings from residents, family members, and visitors to our site are available below. We encourage you to leave one of your own if you are familiar with their services. We also recommend giving them a call to address any additional senior and nursing care questions you may have after reviewing their Nursing Home Site profile.
Averaging the available ratings gives an aggregate star rating of 4.14 for Manorcare Health Services - Pike Creek versus the DE average of 3.62 and a national average of 3.20. The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services does their best to provide a fair assessment of every Nursing Home, but please note these ratings are a snapshot in time. Total Licensed Nursing Hours (Registered Nurses + Licensed Practical Nurses + Licensed Vocational Nurses) averages 1.88 hours per day per resident (the national average is 1.4 hours). Please note that the pricing above is the average billed to Medicare. (Supplemental Insurance / Medicare Advantage Plans, single or double rooms, etc). I liked Forwood Manor because I'd have my own kitchen and it was lovely.
Manorcare Nursing and Rehabilitation Center
There are 24 hospitals within 25 miles of Manorcare Health Services - Wilmington. The two closest hospitals are Alfred I Dupont Hospital For Children which is 1.3 miles away and St Francis Hospital which is 2.9 miles away. Could you say a little more about it? Anything you can share will help other families choose the perfect community.

OT and PT staff was excellent dispite working in a uncommunicative facility. It is an older facility which was the least of its problems. With the exception of one or two nurses and 1 CNA the care was horrible. First the nurse button didn't work so even when she pressed it no one came because it didn't wor\k.
Reviews of Manorcare Health Services - Wilmington
I liked Forwood Manor a lot, and I'm very positive about it. The rooms were a good size, pretty new, and looked nice. A large number of emergency services, including heavily-armed police officers, responded to the location when the call came in. Patients were briefly evacuated while officers worked to secure the scene.
The people who run that have indicated that if you need nursing care, you should go to Manorcare. From the days of President Kennedy in the White House, Newark Manor Nursing Home has been providing residents of Newark with the best care in the area. We are one of the smallest facilities around with only 67 beds where our residents are known by name to the staff and one another. Newark Manor's home-like atmosphere is important for our residents and guests to feel comfortable enjoying eachother's company.
Places Near Wilmington, DE with Manor Care Nursing Home
I really enjoyed the look of the place, and especially the location. The food was always great, and if it weren't, my aunt I'm sure would have let us know. Another aspect that I enjoyed about Forwood Manor was it's living space. She had more space in her room at Forwood than she had in any other room she had in her entire life! And she paid a hell of a lot to live in bliss. Because I wanted to just go away for a week or so, I inquired about Forwood Manor.

It’s believed to be a murder-suicide but only few details were immediately available. On behalf all the members of Robert Grundy’s family I would like to thank the Newark Manor for the wonderful care you gave our Uncle/Brother. As of the last update they had a daily average of 103.8 residents compared to the DE average of 74.69 and a National average of 86.4.
There was no staff to greet me though. There was somebody behind the counter, and I asked where my friend was, but there was nobody other than that. There was no person wandering around looking for newcomers or anything of that sort.
My mom was admitted to this facility from the hospital for rehab. She was weak and needed OT, PT, and nursing care. One meeting right after she got there and then no more communication from them. Their Covid 19 communications were right on time and kept you informed, unfortunately that does not cross over to the patient care or the staff. Her PT person didn't know she was being discharged that day, She thought she had another week to work with her.
When you go in, they have all these coffees and teas, and you can go down there any time during the day and get coffee or tea. At the center, the interdisciplinary team created a care plan to help Kathleen meet her goals. The nursing team helped Kathleen manager her pain and taught her about caring for her incisions.

The therapists who work with her have been very caring people and pleasant to work with. She has a good relationship with them, so that part is very good. She is sharing a room that's kind of crumby. At Courtland Manor Nursing & Convalescent Home, we are providing quality care in a family atmosphere. We are a family-owned and family-operated facility that gives your loved ones the attention and care they deserve.
When you walk in, there are two doors that open to a nice area, and across the hall is a huge living room. We like the floor plan because there's two walk-in closets, which I think is good. It seems that any activities you're interested in, they have it going on there. They have crafts, sewing and cooking groups, they go out on small trips, and they go out to eat once a month.

However, my review is propped up by the caring staff and individuals who make the place much better than it would be otherwise. Every single employee I met there was at least cheerful and made an attempt to be helpful. My wife was in Manorcare at one time because she had broken her leg; she was there for therapy. The hospital recommended this to us. She was mostly there for therapy, but their care was passable. Their rooms were all right and roomy enough.
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